The conference has now ended for 2021. You can read up about what happened at the conference on our blog posts here (Blog 1) and here (Blog 2).
You can watch all project presentations on our YouTube Channel here, or click on the individual links below:
PROJECT 1: Develop a producer owned retail co-operative.
PROJECT 2: Develop a Highland-wide online market / food hub.
PROJECT 3: Work towards a world class restaurant sector.
PROJECT 4: Develop a lobbying policy group ensuring the Highland voice is heard.
PROJECT 5: Work towards every school in Highlands growing, cooking & eating their own food.
PROJECT 6: Develop a Highland wide community food growing network.
PROJECT 7: Work to big up small farms in the Highlands.
PROJECT 8: Develop a Highland Circular Food Economy / Zero Waste.
PROJECT 9: Explore marketing and promoting local Highland Food as a brand.
PROJECT 10: Creating a thriving ‘glasshouse’ sector in the Highlands.
PROJECT 11: Seed sovereignty in the Highlands.
The conference was just the start of the Highland Good Food journey, so if you would like to get involved in the next stages, then subscribe to our mailing list here.